Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Making of An Escape Artist

I had gone out of town, for a few days and left the care of the dogs to my boyfriend and our son. One evening, our son had witnessed Denali showing Storm how to crawl under the fence. I just laughed this off and said no way, he would not do that. Little did I know, I was about to see just how mischivous my obedience trained siberian could be.
About a week after I had been home, I decided to let the dogs out in the back yard. It was a nice evening and they could use some exercise. After they did their business and checked out every inch of the yard for new squirrel activity, Denali headed straight for that hole under the fence. He was also making sure that Storm was right behind him. I stood looking out the kitchen window in total shock as I saw Denali gently tug on Storm's collar to get him to go under the fence.
By the time I got out there, they were both in the neighbors yard. Denali had come back under the fence back into our yard with that innocent sibe face - like look at me mom - I came back - Storm made me do it! I was very mad at Denali. I tried to get Storm to come back under the fence, but to no avail. I ended up grabbing a leash and collar and walking around and bringing him home.
Silly, silly dogs, I thought. The minute I put Storm in the back yard, they were both running around and looking at each other with that look of, we did it man - and ooooohhhh did it feel so good! From that day on, I knew that Storm was getting more confident in his new home - and his abilities! For Denali was the same way when I first got him, very shy and scared of what was on the outside of that fence. I knew that day was coming - just did not expect it to come so soon.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hummingbirds of Summer

I am truly amazed by these delicate creatures. They are a graceful, yet hardy bird. This one was particularly brave as he sat in the light rain for these pictures. He even had a snack or two as well. I have enjoyed seeing these around this summer, and hope to continue sharing photos of the beautiful, little messangers of peace.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Longest Sit

Denali and I have been a team since June 1, 2003. This partnership has not always been a smooth one. But in 2006 we signed up for some Obedience and Rally classes and further strengthened our bond. On August 29, I decided to put that training to the test. I had been doing odds and ends in the yard that morning and had Denali accompanying me - much to his disdain. He has been rather obsessed with whatever is on the other side of the gate, and I decided that today was going to be a good day for training.
So I put him in a sit-stay. He kept getting up when I would walk away. After a few stern words, he finally got the idea that he was supposed to sit in this one spot and Stay. He sat there a good five minutes as I finnished my morning chores. What better way to reward your Best Bud for a job well done then to have their picture taken. I have this one and several others. I am so proud of Denali - he resisted Brutus' running around like a crazy dog, and Storm and his nervous Nellie, constant dancing around.

A New Blog Beginning

Welcome to my Blog! I have been wanting to do this for some time. Just kept up the ol' procrastination game, "Aw, I will get to it one of these days." Well today is the day as they say. And I have put one foot in the water - still a bit nervous. But for a person to succede, they must be willing to get wet - and at times almost drown before they see what is really important.

I have been taking pictures since I was in my late teens. My first camera was a 110 that I got by eating 2 packages of cookies. I sent in the UPC codes and a few dollars, and in a couple months time, I was the proud owner of a camera. I just could not wait to start taking pictures. I took pictures of the neighbors dogs, cats, trees, and my family. You name it, I photographed it. Mostly I was fascinated with butterflies and dogs. That fascination has spilled over into my adult life, along with unique insects, leaves and other creatures and plants that "talk" to me.

I did try 35mm film cameras, but after the third rewind mechanism debacle, I went back to 110s. Then came the digital this and the digital that. In 2003, I took the plunge and got my first digi-cam. It was nice, but went through the batteries like nothing else. I was forever buying batteries for this one. So in 2006, I began the search for a better digi. Granted WalMart is probably not the place to buy a camera, they had a nice Canon that I really liked. So I looked and tried it out. I did not want to rush into anything, so I told myself that if this camera was still there the next day, I would buy it. Well, as you guessed - I bought the Canon Powershot S2IS. This camera is lightweight and has a fabulous zoom. This is the camera I use when I am out working with the dogs.

In 2008, we went on a trip. We visited 9 states, and I have photos from pretty much all of them. The highlight of that trip was Yellowstone National Park. Yes, you read that right. Saw some beautiful animals, plants,birds, and butterflies as well as some curious little scurrying creatures. Had some close calls with a few bison bulls, but no injuries. Got some nice shots tho! The best thing that could happen there - seeing the wolves of Lamar Valley - The Druids! That made the whole trip complete. Shortly after our return from our trip, my Honey bought me a Canon 450D. This camera has some amazing features as well.

I had started a blog on another site, but I wanted this one to be about the happier moments of my life. Not that I wish to overlook or forget the sad times, I just wanted to make a fresh start. Along with some of my photos.